Working towards a healthier World through prevention, not cure.
KANG3N CRYPTO COIN Contract Address
The Kang3n Crypto Coin is designed to give our community access to established and revolutionary alternative health treatments allowing individuals involved to create and control their own personal health and wellness program.
KANG3N Crypto Token is released on the BSC (Binance Smart Chain) platform. It’s compatibility with the token and third-party services wallets, exchanges etc, provides easy-to-use integration.
Creation Of Token & Fair Launch on BSC Blockchain
Added Liquidity and listed on Pancake Swap V2.
Listed on and created the Telegram Community
Public Launch of Coin in Birmingham U.K.
Starting to list on major markets.
KANG3N Payments implemented in 7 locations of our partners
Reaching 1500+ members in our telegram community
Looking to develop our very own Kang3n Payment App,
Approaching Major Exchanges
Listed on Tokpie exchange
100+ locations accepting Kang3n token as payment method
The Kang3n Team combines a passion for wellbeing, expertise & proven record in True Physical Health
Any question? Reach out to us and we’ll get back to you shortly.